We are learning a lot from our new Seeing Eye puppy, and we’ve started to notice many parallels with behaviour change in dogs and humans.

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This is a collection of 31 lessons I’ve learned about life & behaviour change so far (including a bonus tip that’s been challenging me this week!)

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When you set a goal and don’t achieve it, it’s easy to get discouraged. Instead, I’ve got a process I follow to keep myself going when I don’t reach my goals, and I’m sharing it with you in this article.

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Cooking at home is one of those habits that can level up your health pretty quickly, help you lose weight, and make you feel like a more accomplished and put together adult…Yet so many of us struggle to make it a consistent habit. In this article I’ll show you how to start cooking more at home, even if you are short on time or don’t love cooking!

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A quick spiel on boring success and showing up, inspired by Will Smith

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Recently I came up with a method of setting better goals that I am incredibly proud of – it’s called the HABIT framework. In this article I’ll show you why HABIT goals are so much better than SMART goals.

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