This is a collection of 31 lessons I’ve learned about life & behaviour change so far (including a bonus tip that’s been challenging me this week!)

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When you set a goal and don’t achieve it, it’s easy to get discouraged. Instead, I’ve got a process I follow to keep myself going when I don’t reach my goals, and I’m sharing it with you in this article.

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A while ago I came across a method of life design that is based on the idea that there are multiple potential paths of fulfilment for each of us. It’s called the Odyssey Plan. Here’s how to use it.

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Recently I came up with a method of setting better goals that I am incredibly proud of – it’s called the HABIT framework. In this article I’ll show you why HABIT goals are so much better than SMART goals.

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Instead of trying to do everything all at once, and achieving nothing, use this simple system to identify which habits to focus on first.

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