This is a collection of 31 lessons I’ve learned about life & behaviour change so far (including a bonus tip that’s been challenging me this week!)

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When you set a goal and don’t achieve it, it’s easy to get discouraged. Instead, I’ve got a process I follow to keep myself going when I don’t reach my goals, and I’m sharing it with you in this article.

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A while ago I came across a method of life design that is based on the idea that there are multiple potential paths of fulfilment for each of us. It’s called the Odyssey Plan. Here’s how to use it.

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I used to let negative thoughts hold me back, until I learned a simple process to change my negative thoughts. This article will show you exactly how to do it for yourself.

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When our brains are overwhelmed, we feel paralysed and unable to take action. Seemingly basic healthy habits feel harder to do because self-regulation is not a priority for our brain under stress. So how can we function during times of stress? Here’s 4 tips to combat overwhelm and take your life back.

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The questions you ask yourself matter. If you find it hard to change negative thinking or stick to habits, these 7 questions might help turn things around (they certainly did for me!)

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